Apartment Renovation– A Few Steps To Perfect Work

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These 10 apartment renovation suggestions address the core of what draws renters and motivates them to spend more on rent. The problem for the architect is effectively communicating all the necessary adjustments in a technical report while also bringing up all the necessary changes in the flat makeover.

Today’s post will provide you with advice on how to create a technical report and the 10 steps that must be followed to complete a successful apartment renovation. 

What Is A Technical Report For Apartment Renovation?

In some extremely particular circumstances, such as when simply painting or plaster replacement is done, this responsibility does not apply.

The following scenarios necessitate that the resident submits a technical report for an apartment renovation:

  • Installation of gas systems and industrial equipment
  • Alterations to the sanitary/hydraulic systems
  • Installation of an air conditioner
  • Replaced cladding and frames
  • Structural alterations
  • Windows in balconies
  • This ABNT requirement aims to prevent damage brought on by improperly carried out apartment renovations and increase resident safety throughout the apartment renovation process.

How To Create A Technical Report For Apartment Renovation?

The relevant architect or engineer must complete the technical report for flat rehabilitation and must also present the RRT and renovation plan. (or ART).

What exactly must the architect include in the technical report for an apartment refurbishment, though? A scientific document is a technical report. It must be objective and expressed in the third person in this situation.

Remember that many of the phrases used by construction professionals will likely be unfamiliar to readers who are not experts in the field. Because of this, the technical report for flat refurbishment must be written in simple, understandable language.

Each expert can write the technical report for an apartment renovation based on the details they think are required for approval. However, there are several crucial facts. 

  • The front cover
  • Introduction with client information (name, RG), RRT, and background information regarding flat refurbishment
  • Projects and documentation were examined for the proposed flat restoration.
  • Graphical elements list (figures, tables, charts)
  • Plan of a flat
  • The report in pictures of the refurbished environments
  • Information on whether or not structural damage is a risk Used references Conclusion
  • Attachments (signed RRT, table of information on service providers, among others).

Apartment Renovation: Where To Start?

After learning how to create a technical report for an apartment renovation, follow these instructions to produce flawless work:

  • safeguard the flat
  • begin the demolition
  • Dispose of trash Begin reconstruction Install electrical wiring
  • introduce the installation of hydraulic
  • Put up the plaster.
  • Granite and marble countertops are included.
  • Apply the coating and begin painting.
  • Affix the lamps.
  • Set up the joinery

1- Protect The Apartment:

Protecting the environment comes first when discussing how and where to begin remodeling a small, medium, or large flat.

Utilizing cardboard, newspapers, plastics, and other protective items is crucial since flat renovations bring a lot of dirt into the area. Cleaning will be easier before the delivery of the renovated apartment in this way.

2- Start The Demolition:

The walls are presently being torn down if the project’s goal is to alter the apartment’s layout. When remodeling a small flat, it’s typical for the architect to recommend rearranging the space to create extra room.

A beam here, a mistake in the original project there, and other unpleasant shocks are frequently present at this stage of flat restoration. Now is the moment to try and get away with it.

It’s crucial to prevent debris from gathering in one area of the flat since the weight could endanger the building’s structural integrity. It is advised to disperse the trash bags all about the apartment.

3- Dispose Of The Rubbish:

If the project’s purpose is to change the apartment’s layout, the walls are currently being knocked down. It is customary for the architect to suggest rearranging the area when upgrading a tiny flat to make more room.

At this stage of a flat’s repair, a beam here, a flaw in the original plan there, and other unpleasant surprises are commonly present. The time to try to get away with it is right now.

It’s vital to avoid debris from accumulating in one spot since the weight could damage the stability of the building. The waste bags should be scattered throughout the apartment, it is instructed.

4- Start The Rebuild:

New wall building can start now that the flat has been cleared of rubbish. The ideal material to build the new fence will be suggested by the architect; some options include brick and plasterboard.

The plan of the flat is given a new configuration in this stage of the restoration, which also makes it possible to begin working on related projects. 

5- Carry Out The Electrical Installation:

Most apartment remodels call for new electrical installations, especially in older structures. Currently, new outlets and lighting must be installed, thus it is necessary to engage an electrician.

The expert will conduct an electrical project analysis and make any necessary alterations, including installing additional circuits and pipe passageways.

6- Air Conditioning And Automation:

The electrician collaborates with the specialists installing the home automation or air conditioning systems throughout the apartment refurbishment. Apartments in Capital Smart City, Islamabad have heaters and air conditioners that are securely installed.

At this point, the routes for the automation systems, including ceiling speakers and automatic shutters, as well as the ducts for the air conditioning, are installed.

7- Introduce The Hydraulic Installation:

A plumber must be present when renovating an apartment that includes bathrooms, toilets, or kitchens.

To install sanitary sinks, showers, faucets, hot water points, hygienic showers, and bathroom tubs, among other components, the professional will change the water points.

Working on kitchen or bathroom remodeling is a more expensive and labor-intensive type of flat improvement due to the unique hydraulic system requirements. A wall will need to be torn down for the plumber to complete the service, just like it is for the electrician.

Everything that needs to be done before plastering should ideally be completed before opening the seals because it is more challenging to fix mistakes after plastering.

8- Install The Lining:

Installing the project-specified ceiling is the following phase in the apartment refurbishment. This component affects the property’s thermal and acoustic comfort in addition to helping to conceal the roof, beams, and electrical conduits.

There are many different kinds of lining, including plaster, PVC, wood, and exposed concrete, to name a few. In an apartment remodeling, the decision will be based on cost-benefit analysis and client needs.

For instance, the plaster ceiling is the best choice if the goal is to emphasize lighting. Exposed concrete is the best option if the surroundings are decorated with an industrial theme. Light-colored ceilings contribute to a feeling of more space in modest apartment renovations.

9- Include Countertops, Marble, And Granite:

It would help if you put in the countertops and sinks before the apartment makeover is complete. It is best to complete this process before adding coatings or even cabinets because it might produce a lot of dust and filth.

However, installing cabinets before installing a countertop is possible in some limited circumstances when remodeling an apartment. To prevent issues and expedite the completion of the job, the architect must determine the optimal order.

10- Start Painting:

The so-called “clean work,” which is simply the finishing stage, starts after this point in an apartment makeover.

As a pre-finish, painting may be started before the application of coatings. It is advised to apply a second coat of paint after placing the pieces to complete.

To avoid ruining the already installed floor, caution must be exercised.


It is advised that you show the renter how to change the door lock as soon as the apartment renovation is complete. As numerous persons come into contact with the key while construction is underway, this is a safety concern.


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